
12 STEPS TO RAW FOODS(ISBN=9781556436512) 英文原版 在线 免费 umd 下载 txt pdf mobi pmlz



12 STEPS TO RAW FOODS(ISBN=9781556436512) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781556436512
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-05
  • 页数:267
  • 价格:73.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Why do we overeat time and time again? Why do we make poor

diet choices while we want to be healthy? What makes losing weight

so difficult? These and many other vital questions are addressed in

12 Steps to Raw Foods in an open and sincere dialogue. Based

on the latest scientific research, Victoria Boutenko explains the

numerous benefits of choosing a diet of fresh rather than cooked

foods. This book contains self-tests and questionnaires that help

the reader to determine if they have hidden eating patterns that

undermine their health. Using examples from life, the author

explores the most common reasons for people to make unhealthy

eating choices.

Rather than simply praising the benefits of raw foods, this book

offers helpful tips and coping techniques to form and maintain new,

healthy patterns. Learn how to make a raw food restaurant card that

makes dining with co-workers easy and enjoyable. Discover three

magic sentences that enable you to refuse your mother-in-law’s

apple pie without offending her. Find out how to sustain your

chosen diet while traveling. These are only a few of the many

scenarios that Boutenko outlines.

Written in a convenient 12-step format, this book guides the reader

through the most significant physical, psychological, and spiritual

phases of the transition from cooked to raw foods. Embracing the

raw food lifestyle is more than simply turning off the stove. Such

a radical change in the way we eat affects all aspects of life.

Boutenko touches on the human relationship with nature, the value

of supporting others, and the importance of living in harmony with

people who don’t share the same point of view on eating. Already a

classic, this enhanced second edition is aimed at anyone interested

in improving their health through diet.




Victoria Boutenko lives in Ashland, Oregon. She is the author of

Green For Life, Raw Family, 12 Steps to Raw Foods, and

several raw recipe books. She teaches classes on raw food all over

the world, and is an adjunct professor at Southern Oregon

University. As a result of her teachings, many raw food communities

have formed in numerous countries. She continues traveling

worldwide sharing her gourmet raw cuisine and her inspiring story

of change, faith, and determination.

Boutenko’s Green For Life was nominated as a finalist in

health and medicine for the Independent Publisher’s Award (IPPY) in

2006. She has published a monthly newsletter since 2003 on her

website www.rawfamily.com. Boutenko contributes regularly to a

number of periodic publications including Get Fresh, Just Eat an

Apple, Alive, Natuurstemmingen, Neva, Die Wurzel, Naturaleza

Cruda, and many others. She is a leader in the raw food

movement and her works are recognized as having a profound impact

on the development of raw food communities across the globe.

Boutenko’s work is referenced in numerous books on the subject, and

her books have been translated into nine languages. She has been a

keynote speaker at a number of international expositions in

Germany, England, Brazil, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Holland,

Jamaica, Spain, France, and the United States.






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“The first edition of this book (published in 2000) was

excellent. The second edition is masterfully


—From the foreword by Gabriel Cousens, MD


“Sensational! The why and how of a raw-foods lifestyle in a

nutshell. A must-read for those who want more vitality, happiness,

and success in their lives.”

—Victor M. Vieira, DC, fellow of the International Academy of

Clinical Acupuncture


“A marvelous book full of useful information for people seeking a

better understanding of the relationship between nutritional

factors and optimal health. Victoria Boutenko asks probing

questions and searches every avenue that can lead to new answers.

Her conclusions are remarkable, often surprising, and always


—Melvyn L. Iscove, MD


“Imagine what would happen in a society wherein people would take

responsibility for their own health and wellness. Victoria

Boutenko’s book provides the basis for this healthier shift in our

thinking and daily lifestyle.”

—Jeannette Vos, EdD, co-author of The Learning

Revolution and The New Learning Revolution



“For those new to Boutenko, this is a great introduction to her

ideas, methods and life experiences, the latter of which includes

the inspiring account of how she healed her families illnesses

through healthful eating and exercise.”



“Victoria Boutenko’s revised and expanded 12 Steps to Raw

Foods is magnificent! If you have ever attempted to incorporate

raw/living foods into your diet to any degree, and hit the wall of

resistance, you absolutely must read this book… Victoria’s 12-Step

outline, which is very loosely derived from her personal research

into AA and OA, has helped countless people rise above the struggle

of changing behavior, and into an empowered state of raw


—Reader Views


Why do we overeat time and time again? Why do we make poor diet choices while we want to be healthy? What makes losing weight so difficult? These and many other vital questions are addressed in 12 Steps to Raw Foods in an open and sincere dialogue. Based on the latest scientific research, Victoria Boutenko explains the numerous benefits of choosing a diet of fresh rather than cooked foods. This book contains self-tests and questionnaires that help the reader to determine if they have hidden eating patterns that undermine their health. Using examples from life, the author explores the most common reasons for people to make unhealthy eating choices.

Rather than simply praising the benefits of raw foods, this book offers helpful tips and coping techniques to form and maintain new, healthy patterns. Learn how to make a raw food restaurant card that makes dining with co-workers easy and enjoyable. Discover three magic sentences that enable you to refuse your mother-in-law’s apple pie without offending her. Find out how to sustain your chosen diet while traveling. These are only a few of the many scenarios that Boutenko outlines.

Written in a convenient 12-step format, this book guides the reader through the most significant physical, psychological, and spiritual phases of the transition from cooked to raw foods. Embracing the raw food lifestyle is more than simply turning off the stove. Such a radical change in the way we eat affects all aspects of life. Boutenko touches on the human relationship with nature, the value of supporting others, and the importance of living in harmony with people who don’t share the same point of view on eating. Already a classic, this enhanced second edition is aimed at anyone interested in improving their health through diet.



































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