
TERRIBLE TERRY ALLEN(ISBN=9780891418344) 英文原版 在线 免费 umd 下载 txt pdf mobi pmlz



TERRIBLE TERRY ALLEN(ISBN=9780891418344) 英文原版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780891418344
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2004-06
  • 页数:373
  • 价格:55.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Terry de la Mesa Allen was one of the most remarkable soldiers in American military history. He failed out of West Point twice, yet ended up as a fearless battalion commander during World War I— personally leading patrols into no-man’s-land.

During World War II, following hard and successful combat in North Africa and Sicily, Major General Allen was “fired” by Gen. Omar Bradley from command of the army’s 1st Infantry Division for lax personal and unit discipline. Within a year, he was back in combat in command of the crack 104th Division Timberwolves, the first unit to reach the Elbe River and link up with the Soviet Union’s Red Army—an event that marked the practical end of the war in the Europe. Loved by his soldiers and barely tolerated by the high command, Allen compiled one of the most successful combat records of any American general in any war.




  Gerald Astor is a critically acclaimed

military historian and author of such books as The Mighty

Eighth, A Blood Dimmed Tide, The Right to Fight,

The Greatest War, and Bloody Forest. He lives

near New York City.




  Terrible Terry Allen: Combat General of World War II ? The

Life of an American Soldier

  By Gerald Astor

  Chapter 2: Terry Allen?s West Point

  Sam Allen settled into the role of a garrison officer without the

credentials conferred upon those who actually went to war or

commanded troops in the field. After his tour at Fort Monroe during

the Spanish-American War, he served at a number of field, and then

coast, artillery posts, which became a separate bunch in 1907. He

oversaw coast artillery unites in the harbors of Boston, New York,

and Pensacola; slowly he rose up in rank. In 1901, the Allens had

their third child, Mary Conchita de la Mesa Allen.

  Terry Allen?s acquaintance with West Point began with his

father?s tour as a teacher. Between the ages of three and seven, he

feasted on the panorama of smartly uniformed young men amid a

citadel that crowned the scenic splendor of massive fortress-type

buildings ensconced on the shores of a magnificent river. There was

pomp and circumstance aplenty to seduce the imagination of a boy,

and over the years Samuel Allen undoubtedly transmitted to Terry

his nostalgic affection for his life as a cadet.

  When the family then moved to a series of army posts, the child

indulged himself in a passion for riding. As an artillery officer,

Samuel Allen frequently pursued his duties while in the saddle, and

it was natural for his offspring to emulate his style. In her

fading years, his mother, Concepcion Allen, recalled her small boy

in the saddle, proudly riding off to accompany his father on

maneuvers. By age ten, Terry felt totally comfortable in the


  Sam Allen ? the somewhat free-spirited, joking, dancing,

gregarious cadet and young officer captured in the memories of Fish

and in his own letters ? had become a more reserved man with

considerable respect for the dignity and discipline of the army.

Terry Allen recalled that while his father was a captain he refused

to have a telephone installed in his home. ?I don?t want to

telephone my seniors and I won?t have my junior officers calling

me.? But, for all of the parent?s concern for decorum and the code

of ?an officer and a gentleman,? the enlisted personnel of the day

were cut from a different cloth, and their children likewise.

  The rough-and-tumble log of youngsters Terry?s age, many of them

the spawn of enlisted personnel, were his natural playmates. Even

at an early age he showed signs of leadership, coupled with a

reputation that was less than salubrious. Allen reported that he

once came across a contemporary in tears, and the boy explained

that his mother had just spanked him. When Allen inquired why, his

companion explained ?Because I was playing with you.? According to

Liebling, Allen said, ?My opinion of myself went up like a rocket.?

Aside from his adventures with other army brats, Allen spent

considerable time with the lesser ranks stationed at the camps,

giving him a lifelong empathy toward enlistd men, not to mention a

taste for some of their habits. He informed Liebling that along

with horsemanship, he had learned at a tender age how to smoke,

chew, cuss, and fight. He also surely became aware of how much the

soldiers favored drinking.

  Terry never doubted the kind of career he would follow. Having

lived at West Point for four years and enjoyed his life at army

bases, he expected to follow in his father?s footsteps. While he

took for granted that as the son of a graduate and a colonel on

active duty he would receive an appointment, he apparently had not

foreseen that the U.S.M.A. demanded a disciplined behavior and a

certain academic proficiency.

  From the Hardcover edition.


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  ?A ripsnortin? life of an unorthodox?and barely

tolerated?American general . . . Hard-drinking, hard-fighting,

beloved by his troops: Allen has a fine chronicler here?fans of

Band of Brothers ought to snap this up.?

?Kirkus Reviews

  From the Hardcover edition. -- Review


Terry de la Mesa Allen was one of the most remarkable soldiers in American military history. He failed out of West Point twice, yet ended up as a fearless battalion commander during World War I— personally leading patrols into no-man’s-land.

During World War II, following hard and successful combat in North Africa and Sicily, Major General Allen was “fired” by Gen. Omar Bradley from command of the army’s 1st Infantry Division for lax personal and unit discipline. Within a year, he was back in combat in command of the crack 104th Division Timberwolves, the first unit to reach the Elbe River and link up with the Soviet Union’s Red Army—an event that marked the practical end of the war in the Europe. Loved by his soldiers and barely tolerated by the high command, Allen compiled one of the most successful combat records of any American general in any war.



































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