
(90年代最受欢迎歌曲) Favorite Songs of the Nineties 在线 免费 umd 下载 txt pdf mobi pmlz



(90年代最受欢迎歌曲) Favorite Songs of the Nineties书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780486215365
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1973-06
  • 页数:401
  • 价格:158.70
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


Have you heard the songs of that gay and naughty time when "After the Ball" started modern "pop" history by selling over 5,000,000 copies, when the nation sang and danced to the beat of Tin Pan Alley, when sheet music was the medium for musical fame? You probably know the tunes and choruses; they are always favorites.

But there were also verses and piano parts in the original sheets, every much as important when the music first came out, every much as fun for singing today. Whether soprano, alto, tenor, bass, piano player, even whistler, you will enjoy these original pages of "pop" and see why millions in the Nineties made them their own favorite songs.

Here is the original sheet music, complete with piano parts, singing parts, and the original covers, to 89 songs that stretch the span from the mid 1880's to the mid 1900's. There are songs by the composers who made Tin Pan Alley history: Victor Herbert

Gypsy Love Song, The Streets of New York, Toyland; George M. Cohan

Give My Regards to Broadway, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Forty-five Minutes from Broadway; Paul Dresser

On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away, My Gal Sal; James Thornton

When You Were Sweet Sixteen, The Streets of Cairo; Harry Von Tilzer

A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Coax Me; Cole and Johnson.--Under the Bamboo Tree; Gus Edwards

In My Merr Oldsmobile; A. M. Hirsh

Yale Boola; and the man who at age 18 hung a sign out that read "Charles K.

HarrismSongs Written to Order."

There are songs that were originally sung by: Miss Lillian Russell

Somebody's Sweetheart I Want to Be; Eva Tanguay

I Don't Care; Frank W. Shea

Dear Old Girl; Du Rell Twin Brothers

The Fountain in the Park; Ida Emerson

Good Bye, My Lady Love; Leona Thurber

In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree; Gus Williams

Meet Me In St. Louis, Louis; Lottie Gilson

You're Not the Only Pebble on the Beach; Annie Hart

Sweet Rosie O'Grady. And there are the songs that burst forth as soon as we sit down to sing: The Band Played On; Bill Bailey; The Bowery; Break the News to Mother; The Cat Came Back; Daisy Bell; Hello! Ma Baby; A Hot Time in the Old Town; Ida! Sweet as Apple Cider; In the Good Old Summer Time; Little Annie Rooney; My Wild Irish Rose; Wait 'till the Sun Shines, Nellie; You Tell Me Your Dream, I'll Tell You Mine; and 50 others, equally singable, equally popular in their time and ours. In this new selection Robert Fremont has selected the songs

ballads, dance songs, comic songs, marches

that captured the era, and the songs that we still sing, attempting to recapture that time in our own special way. Some you may have seen before, but most, in their original editions, are completely

unavailable anywhere else. So tune up your vocal cords, bring out the piano, grab your tootsie-wootsie and replay that period when "Boys and girls together, We would sing .

On the sidewalks of New York."

A Dover original (1973) publication. Reprinted from the original sheet music

in the collection of William Lloyd Keepers. Introduction by Max Morath. 89

songs, xiv + 401pp. 9×12. Paperbound.


(1) After the Ball(Harris), Chas. K. Harris, N.Y., 1892

(2) Asleep in the Deep(Lamb, Petrie), F. A. Mills, N.Y., 1897

(3) Beautiful Isle of Somewhere(Pounds, Fearis), E. O. Excell, Chicago, 1897 and 1901

[the choral settings are omitted]

(4) The Band Played On(Palmer, Ward), The New-York Music Co., N.Y., 1895

(5) Because(Teschemacher, d'Hardelot), Chappell & Co., Ltd., N.Y., 1902

(6) Bedelia(Jerome, Schwartz), Shapiro, Bernstein and Company, N.Y., 1903

Bicycle Built [Made] for Two, A: see Daisy Bell

(7) Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?(Cannon), Howley, Haviland & Dresser, N.Y., 1902

(8) A Bird in a Gilded Cage(Lamb, H. Von Tilzer), Shapiro, Bernstein & Von Tilzer, N.Y., 1900

(9) The Bird on Nellie's Hat(Lamb, Solman), Jos. W. Stern & Co., N.Y., 1906

(10) The Bowery(Hoyt, Gaunt), T. B. Harms & Co., N.Y., 1892

(11) Break the News to Mother(Harris), Chas. K. Harris, Milwaukee, 1897

Casey Would Waltz with a Strawberry Blonde: see The Band Played On

(12) The Cat Came Back(Miller), Will Rossiter, Chicago, 1893 [page of extra verses omitted]

(13) Coax Me(Sterling, H. Von Tilzer), Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co., N.Y., 1904

(14) Comrades(McGlennon), S. T. Gordon & Son, N.Y., n.d. [composed 1887]

(15) Daisy Bell(Dacre), Francis, Day & Hunter, London, 1892

(16) Dear Old Girl(Buck, Morse), Howley, Dresser Company, N.Y., 1903

(17) Down Went McGinty(Flynn), Spaulding & Kornder, Brooklyn, 1889

East Side, West Side: see The Sidewalks of New York

(18) Everybody Works But Father(Havez), Hell & Hager Co., N.Y., 1905

(19) Forty-five Minutes from Broadway(Cohan), F. A. Mills, N.Y., 1905

(20) The Fountain in the Park(Haley), Willis Woodward & Co., N.Y., 1884

(21) Give My Regards to Broadway(Cohan), F. A. Mills, N.Y., 1904

(22) Good Bye, My Lady Love(Howard), Chas. K. Harris, N.Y., 1904

(23) Gypsy Love Song(Smith, Herbert), M. Witmark & Sons, N.Y., 1898

Heart of My Heart: see The S~ory of the Rose

(24) Hearts and Flowers(Brine, Moses-Tobani), Carl Fischer, N.Y., 1899

(25) Hellot. Ma Baby(Howard & Emerson), T. B. Harms & Co., N.Y., 1899

(26) Her Eyes Don't Shine Like Diamonds(Marion), M. Witmark & Sons, N.Y., 1894

(27) A Hot Time in the Old Town(Hayden, Metz), Willis Woodward & Co., N.Y., 1896

(28) Ida! Sweet as Apple Cider(Leonard, Munson), Jos. W. Stern & Co., N.Y., 1903 [cover missing]

(29) I Don't Care(Lenox, Sutton), Jerome H. Remick & Co., N.Y., L905

(30) 1 Don't Want to Play in Your Yard(Wingate, Petrie), Petrie Music Company, Chicago, 1894

(31) If I Were on the Stage(Blossom, Herbert), M. Witmark & Sons, N.Y., 1905

If Jack Were Only Here: see Mother Was a Lady

(32) I Love You Truly(Jacobs-Bond), Carrie Jacobs-Bond & Son, Chicago, 1906

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy: see The Yankee Doodle Boy

(33) In My Merry Oldsmobile(Bryan, Edwards), MI Witmark & Sons, N.Y., 1905

In Old New York: see The Streets of New York

(34) In the Baggage Coach Ahead(Davis), Howley, Haviland & Co., N.Y., 1896

(35) In the Good Old Summer Time(Shields, Evans), Howley, Haviland & Dresser, N.Y., 1902

(36) In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree(Williams, Van Alstyne), Jerome H. Remick and Company, N.Y., 1905

Just a Song at Twilight: see Love's Old Sweet Song

(37) Just Tell Them That You Saw Me(Dresser), Howley, Haviland & Co., N.Y., 1895

(38) Kentucky Babe(Buck, Geibel), White-Smith Music Publishing Co., Boston, 1896

Kiss Me Again: see If I Were on the Stage

(39) Little Annie Rooney(Nolan), Hitchcock's Music Stores, N.Y., n.d. [composed 1890]

(40) Love's Old Sweet Song(Bingham, Molloy), Richard A. Saalfield, N.Y., n.d. [composed 1884]

(41) The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo(Gilbert), T. B. Harms & Co., N.Y., 1891/2

(42) Mary's a Grand Old Name(Cohan), F. A. Mills, N.Y., 1905

(43) Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis(Sterling, Mills), F. A. Mills, N.Y., 1904

(44) Mighty Lak' a Rose(Stanton, Nevin), The John Church Company, Cincinnati, 1901

(45) The Moth and the Flame(Taggart, Witt), Jos. W. Stern & Co., N.Y., 1899

(46) Mother, Pin a Rose on Me(Lewis, Schindler & Adams), Chas. K. Harris, N.Y., 1905

(47) Mother Was a Lady(Marks, Stern), Jos. W. Stern & Co., N.Y., 1896

(48) My Gal Sal(Dresser), Jos. W. Stern & Co., N.Y., 1905

(49) My Wild Irish Rose(Olcott), M. Witmark & Sons, N.Y., 1899

(50) Oh Promise Me(Scott, de Koven), G. Schirmer, N.Y., 1889

(51) On a Sunday Afternoon(Sterling, H. Von Tilzer), Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co.,

(52) On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away (Dresser), Howley, Haviland & Co., N.Y., 1897

(53) Rock-a-Bye Baby(Canning), Chas. D. Blake & Co., Boston, 1886

(54) The Rosary(Rogers, Nevin), G. Schirmer, Jr., Boston, 1898









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Eight-eight favorites. After the Ball; Asleep in the Deep; The Band Played On;Dear Old Girl; Down Went McGinty;The Sidewalks of New York; Give My Regards to Broadway; Hello! Ma Baby; Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis; My Wild Irish Rose; more.



































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