
Security Analysis And Business Valuation On Wall Street + Companion Web Site, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Guide To Today'S Valuation Methods9780470277348 在线 免费 umd 下载 txt pdf mobi pmlz



Security Analysis And Business Valuation On Wall Street + Companion Web Site, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Guide To Today'S Valuation Methods9780470277348书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470277348
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2010-05
  • 页数:480
  • 价格:565.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:大32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分


  An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation,

as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and international


Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accounting

scandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxley

and related regulations, and international developments changed

security analysis and business valuation substantially over the

last fourteen years. These events necessitated a second edition of

this modern classic, praised earlier by Barron's as a "welcome

successor to Graham and Dodd" and used in the global CFA


This authoritative book shows the rational, rigorous analysis is

still the most successful way to evaluate securities. It picks up

where Graham and Dodd's bestselling Security Analysis - for decades

considered the definitive word on the subject - leaves off.

Providing a practical viewpoint, Security Analysis on Wall Street

shows how the values of common stock are really determined in

today's marketplace. Incorporating dozens of real-world examples,

and spotlighting many special analysis cases - including cash flow

stocks, unusual industries and distressed securities - this

comprehensive resources delivers all the answers to your questions

about security analysis and corporate valuation on Wall


The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street examines

how mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional

money managers, investment banks, business appraisers, and

corporate acquirers perform their craft of security analysis and

business valuation in today's highly charged environment.

Completely updated to reflect the latest methodologies, this

reliable resource represents the most comprehensive book written by

someone who has actually worked as an investment banker, private

equity executive, and international institutional investor.

Shows the methodical process that practitioners use to value

common stocks and operating companies and to make buy/sell


Discusses the impact of the two stock market crashes, the

accounting and financial scandals, and the new regulations on the

evaluation process

Covers how Internet and computing power automate portions of the

research and analytical effort

Includes new case study examples representative of valuation

issues faced daily by mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge

funds, institutional investors, investment banks, business

appraisers, and corporate acquirers

Is a perfect tool for professors wishing to show their MBA

students the essential tools of equity and business valuation

Security analysis and business valuation are core financial

disciplines for Wall Streeters, corporate acquirers, and

international investors. The Second Edition of Security Analysis on

Wall Street is an important book for anyone who needs a solid

grounding in these critical finance topics




  JEFFREY C. HOOKE is a Managing Director at Hooke Associates, LLC, a valuation firm, and FOCUS, LLC, an investment bank. He was formerly director of Emerging Markets Partnership (a $4 billion fund focusing on emerging markets), principal investment officer of the World Bank Group, and an investment banker with Lehman Brothers and Schroder Wertheim. Hooke is also the author of M&A: A Practical Guide to Doing the Deal and Emerging Markets: A Practical Guide for Corporations, Lenders, and Investors, both from Wiley.






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  "A welcome successor to Graham and Dodd's Security


  —Barron's Advance Praise for the Second Edition


  "Jeff Hooke has written an excellent overview of the process of

valuing individual equities and entire companies. It is useful for

a variety of readers, ranging from active investors, to financial

advisors, to principals of companies contemplating a sale or public

offering. It has a tremendous amount of material between the covers

of a single volume."

  —William H. Heyman, Vice Chairman and Chief Investment Officer,

The Travelers Companies, Inc.; and former director, Division of

Market Regulation, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


  "The Second Edition is released at a propitious time. As we

recover from the worst financial crisis in recent memory, the need

for thorough analysis is critical. Hooke's primer is readable and

easily understood, even by those without CFA credentials. It should

help practitioners avoid the mistakes of casual decision


  —Dennis Flannery, retired executive vice president,

Inter-American Development Bank


  "This book is more than a textbook for anyone who wants to make a

living as a valuation expert or securities analyst —it is a living,

breathing, 'how to' guide on the latest methods, with plenty of

real-life examples that hit home."

  —Ron Everett, Managing Partner, Certified Business Appraiser,

Business Valuation Center


  "The financial crises of the past decade highlight the imperative

for disciplined valuation. Hooke provides a broad array of concepts

and tools to achieve this. He goes beyond a purely formulaic

approach to focus on idiosyncratic characteristics in both public

and private equity contexts."

  —Alex Triantis, Chair, Finance Department, Robert H. Smith School

of Business, University of Maryland


  "This book represents an impressive effort to offer comprehensive

coverage of business valuation. It combines the deep insight of an

insider with the rigor of top academics. Jeff is not shy about

giving his opinion, which makes the reading experience unique and


  —Ludovic Phalippou, Professor of Finance, University of



  "This is an invaluable reference for the M&A professional.

Hooke provides a view of the forest, in giving the rationale for

the methods in use and how they compare with each other. The text

is punctuated by his own wry commentary and frequent


  —Gary Nelson, Chairman, Sigma Federal, former vice chairman of

SRA International


  "This book is a highly useful resource for any existing or

soon-to-be professional in the financial analysis field. It is a

must-read presentation of the valuation methodologies utilized in

the private equity business."

  —Matt Newton, Partner, Columbia Capital


  "Hooke's book provides an insightful approach to both financial

analysis and business valuation. It should be required reading for

anyone involved in the securities industry, from money managers to

investment bankers."

  —George Konomos, Senior Advisor, Latigo Partners


  "The new edition of Jeffrey Hooke's (Hooke Associates and FOCUS,

LLC) Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street

contains fresh insights and updates on the fundamentals of security

analysis and business valuation, new case study examples, and four

new chapters.


  "Among other reasons, Hooke points out why experts should read

this practitioner-oriented book: "Two market crashes -- and the

attendant fallout -- suggest that business appraisers consider the

use of higher discount rates, the need for recessions in many

forecasts, and the inclusion of political risk in certain US

business evaluations…The validity of each methodology -- be it

guideline companies or discounted cash flow, to give two examples

-- has to be cross checked against its counterparts now more than

ever, or the appraiser can get false readings."

  — Business Valuation Review, May 5, 2010


An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation, as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and international businesses

Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accounting scandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxley and related regulations, and international developments changed security analysis and business valuation substantially over the last fourteen years. These events necessitated a second edition of this modern classic, praised earlier by Barron's as a "welcome successor to Graham and Dodd" and used in the global CFA exam. This authoritative book shows the rational, rigorous analysis is still the most successful way to evaluate securities. It picks up where Graham and Dodd's bestselling Security Analysis - for decades considered the definitive word on the subject - leaves off. Providing a practical viewpoint, Security Analysis on Wall Street shows how the values of common stock are really determined in today's marketplace. Incorporating dozens of real-world examples, and spotlighting many special analysis cases - including cash flow stocks, unusual industries and distressed securities - this comprehensive resources delivers all the answers to your questions about security analysis and corporate valuation on Wall Street.

The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street examines how mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional money managers, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers perform their craft of security analysis and business valuation in today's highly charged environment. Completely updated to reflect the latest methodologies, this reliable resource represents the most comprehensive book written by someone who has actually worked as an investment banker, private equity executive, and international institutional investor. Shows the methodical process that practitioners use to value common stocks and operating companies and to make buy/sell decisions Discusses the impact of the two stock market crashes, the accounting and financial scandals, and the new regulations on the evaluation process Covers how Internet and computing power automate portions of the research and analytical effort

Includes new case study examples representative of valuation issues faced daily by mutual funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, institutional investors, investment banks, business appraisers, and corporate acquirers Is a perfect tool for professors wishing to show their MBA students the essential tools of equity and business valuation

Security analysis and business valuation are core financial disciplines for Wall Streeters, corporate acquirers, and international investors. The Second Edition of Security Analysis on Wall Street is an important book for anyone who needs a solid grounding in these critical finance topics.



































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